September 10, 2010

Intubation Update #4: Not Time Yet

Based on what Allison and I saw when we got into Ayden's room this morning, we were hopeful today would be the day they extubated.  Not quite.

This morning's x-ray showed his right lung was still "wet," possibly even moreso than it was yesterday.  Thus, he still needs to expel fluid before they'll be willing to pull the tube.  The end result is we'll be waiting at least one more day before it'll come out.

That being said, there are encouraging signs.  They've been able to drop back on the amount of oxygen he is receiving.  This is good because he had been getting an oxygen level that was about four times as high as the room air level.  Until they could back off on that, there was no chance he could be extbuated.  Despite these lower oxygen levels, his sats are the highest they have been since he came up from surgery.

Hopefully, tomorrow the evil breathing tube will come out and by the end of the weekend we'll be out of the PCCU and back on the floor.

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