September 27, 2010

Ayden's Way or No Way

We haven't updated the blog because there hasn't been much to update. Ayden continues to do well. They are removing diuretics because his chest x-rays continue to show improvement. They are weaning his oxygen; he currently sits at .025, which is quite literally next to nothing. They are also weaning his Methadone and Ativan.

Ayden had a bedside bottle evaluation, and he only sucked on the bottle twice. The rest of the time was spent gnawing on the bottle or falling asleep. I don't expect much to happen with eating for a little while, but I will admit that our little one is good at surprising me.

Since we have to hang out until his antibiotic run is over (his last day is the 29th), no one is any real hurry to push Ayden. We have time to do things his way, which, if five months of life is any indication, that is how we would be doing things anyway.

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