May 10, 2012

Ayden's Broboo

When I was pregnant, people always asked me, "What does Ayden think about the pregnancy? Does he know what is happening?" Now that Brogan is here, everyone now wants to know how Ayden is adjusting...

Ayden met Brogan when Brogan was just two days old. Ayden was cagey about the wiggly little human. He wasn't interested in touching the new baby, let alone holding him. Well, those days of disinterest, and perhaps fear, are long gone.
Almost every day, Ayden asks to hold his younger brother. He has learned to place his hand under Brogan's head (sometimes he lands his hand on B's forehead, but at least he's mindful), and Ayden knows that he has to be seated on a couch or in the floor to hold Brogan. The endearing moment doesn't usually last long and is, therefore, incredibly difficult to capture on film, but I've managed to snap a few photos of the proud brother.
I can pick him up myself!
To say our oldest son is now "interested" in baby brother doesn't cover the relationship that is quickly forming.When Brogan cries, Ayden attempts to comfort him: Ayden will pat Brogan's belly or back or rock Brogan in his sleep chair, and the big brother is sometimes intriguing enough and/or sweet enough to quiet the wails. He shows Brogan how to use toys, and he shares his own toys with him. Ayden tries to read him books or hands me books to read to him. He leans into him to give him kisses or hugs. My favorite thing he does is play peek-a-boo with him (and he has two ways to do this with Brogan!).
(Ayden put on a finger puppet bug show,
which consisted mostly of Ayden placing finger puppets on Brogan's head.)
You hold it like this.
"Five little monkeys jumping on the bed..."
Yes, Ayden has moments of jealousy. Yes, we have to often remind him to be gentle. And, yes, as much as he wants to help take care of Brogan (Ayden helped me dress Brogan recently), there are just some things (like diaper changes!) that Ayden has to just learn he isn't big enough to handle... yet. With all that being said, I believe Ayden is becoming a fantastic big brother, and Brogan is quickly becoming equally as doting.

NOTE: If you are confused by the pictures of Ayden with the feeding tube, don't be. They are older pictures of Brogan & Ayden. I am significantly behind in posting to the blog! Ayden has been without a feeding tube for two months now! Praise Jesus!

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