September 30, 2010


Yesterday was a bit rough on 6C. Ayden started the day with fussiness and ended with some respiratory distress. We first thought that he was being a bit overdramatic about teething, but as the day came to a close, signs pointed more closely to Methadone withdrawal. In addition to withdrawal, Ayden's right lung yet again accumulated fluid and suffered some collapse. His sats were all over the place, but clinically his coloring never changed to indicate more or less oxygen to his body. The decision was made to give Ayden an extra dose of Methadone and to put him back on the nasal cannula at one liter of oxygen.

We were supposed to go home today, but Ayden wasn't ready. Bryan always tells Ayden that his job is to tell us when he isn't ready for the next step, and Ayden spoke up. We are disappointed that we can't take him home today, but we are glad that we were in the hospital instead of at home-- only to return.

  • Ayden's right lung to fully inflate
  • Ayden's right lung to rid itself of fluid (Ayden needs to pee to help with this!)
  • Medications to be effectively and comfortably weaned
  • Ayden, Bryan, and me to get a good night's rest
  • Patience (for Bryan and me) and peace (for the three of us)
  • Wisdom (for Bryan, the doctors, nurses, and me)
Though yesterday and last night were horrible experiences for all involved, today was much better. He had a few tantrums, but they were not nearly as often or as long-lasting. He has been resting comfortably for the first time in many days. Havilah was able to give Ayden a bath and change the tape job on his face without too much protest. She was able to wean his oxygen to half of a liter. Havilah is truly a Godsend; she has to put up with me. My mama has been here to help me smile and relax and to help Ayden do the same (no easy task, I can assure you). Phew!
Sponging my incision
Did I mention that I am not a huge fan of baths?
But Ms. Havilah, I don't like this!
AAAH! Not the neck!
The front wasn't good enough?!?!
Grancee, save me!
Ms. Havilah, did Mommy really think I smelled? Are you sure this is necessary?

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