September 19, 2010

The Evening Progresses

Ayden's blood gas revealed the same levels. That buys him some more time. Bryan and I are going to try to get some rest. We have requested that they call us if they think they want to reintubate in a nonemergent situation (i.e. blood gases suggest that he should be reintubated). Please continue to pray!

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure how I missed you guys when we were inpatient. I almost feel the need to apologize...were you guys in the PICU or just the NICU? You mentioned MariBeth in a post which makes me certain that you are not in the PICU?

    Anyway...I am Carter Oswalt's mom. We had a transplant on April 8th 2010...we were inpatient from Dec. 8 until like June...

    Please know I am praying for you guys and for your son.

    Carter had his diaphragm plicated after the was ridiculous how difficult it was. It was worse than the Fontan. Hang in there. Carter had HLHS. We did the typical three surgeries plus the diaphragm one then he had some other complications that involved his lungs...

    I am a mom who has been there...I read your blog and look at the pics and I remember all too well. I know it seems you may loose your mind...God has you I promise.

    And a heart parent to heart parent side note - you know your child far better than the docs most of the can tell them no on something and go for the canuala like you thought he should have had next time.... This comes from six years of putting our foots down when we felt things were getting to the ridiculous point.

    Praying you have stamina and peace after you crash for several hours.



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