September 8, 2010

Glenn Update #2: "Cut me, Mick."

It took a longer than expected, but we finally got our first phone call update.  Usually, we get one telling us that the lines are in and they are about to make the incision.  That update comes within 1-1.5 hours, typically.  Today, at the two hour mark, we were starting to wonder what was going on.  Finally, the phone rang for us.  As it turns out, they got the lines in just fine and the incision had been made 30 minutes prior.  So, the real work has begun.

I don't really have any other information to give, so let's just go to some more pictures.  Back in the holding area, Ayden became fascinated with the spherical mirror on the hallway ceiling (the ones that allow you to see if someone is coming from around the corner).  It was a blessing, as it kept him occupied for about 15 minutes, which is 15 minutes he wasn't thinking about being hungry.

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