October 8, 2010

The Man in Black

I was a tad bit worried that yesterday's clinic visit would turn into a readmission to the hospital... or at the very least be torturous to Ayden and to everyone else that could hear his screaming from x-rays, blood pressures, and needle sticks. I was wrong on all accounts.

First of all, Sandy completed Ayden's vitals, and during the many attempts at getting a believable blood pressure, Ayden did little more than squirm a few times. He was far too interested in the bubbles that Sandy was blowing! Sandy is always so gentle and kind and never does anything too hastily, so Ayden feels very comfortable in her care. Ayden weighed 6.55 kilos (slightly down from Tuesday's weight), and his height was 25.25 inches (longer than before the Glenn procedure).
Secondly, he did NOT have to have an x-ray or get blood drawn. I suppose that because he was breathing comfortably, had good air movement in his lungs, had good pulses and good perfusion, demonstrated excellent capillary refill, and gave them good sats, no one felt the need to upset our little guy.
Thirdly, Dr. Kavanaugh had nothing but good information to tell us. Ayden's ECHO revealed better heart wall motion and less valve leakage. She can now describe Ayden's wall motion as "mildly depressed," rather than moderately so. She gave us a diuretic wean schedule and took off one of the eleven medications. Her goal is to have Ayden on only three medications, Aspirin, Analapril, and Digoxin, which are all heart-related.
Ayden was super well-behaved during the entire clinic visit, and he was visited by many individuals who had taken care of Ayden over the past 5+ months of this life (Dr. Exil, Dr. Markham, Michelle, Jason, etc.). All and all, for yesterday being a clinic day, it was a good one!

On Monday, Ayden has a hospital discharge & second round of immunizations appointment at the pediatrician. On Friday, he meets with Dr. Bichell for a surgical followup. The following week he goes to clinic for a blood draw. The week after that he visits Dr. Kavanaugh. Once all establish that Ayden is indeed doing well, Ayden will not have scheduled appointments with doctors for months. How fabulous is that?!?!

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