October 26, 2010

Cath Update #4

Ayden is out of the procedure and is back up in his room on the floor.  This means he was extubated afterwards, thankfully.  He's not a very happy camper right now (typical after a cath), but he came through it just fine and is doing okay right now.  The more he can sleep over the next several hours, the easier the recovery will be on him and on us.

Dr. Ammons did address an issue he found during the procedure.  Ayden had a vessel that was allowing blood to flow from his heart to his right lung.  This blood was flowing at a higher pressure than the blood passively flowing to his lungs from his upper body.  Essentially, the higher pressure flow was impeding the other blood from going where it needed to.  This extra vessel is what was "coiled off."

Dr. Ammons showed us pictures and video from the procedure.  We could see the bad blood flow and the coils that were put in place.  It was actually rather fascinating.  At any rate, hopefully this was the thing holding him back.  Time will tell.

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