August 29, 2010

Mouth of the South: Toys

Ayden had one favorite toy for the longest time, a round giraffe head shaker. That particular toy was a lifesaver on numerous occasions. He has since outgrown that giraffe and has replaced it with a new animal, the Bright Starts' Snuggle & Teethe Lion.
I won't physically interact with toys while sitting up.
I have to be either flatback or somewhat elevated.
I don't really like tasting stuffed animals.
I cross my eyes to drive my mother crazy!
Ayden has been most enamored with items that are orange, red, or yellow (lions and giraffes). When I bought Baby Einstein's Click Clack Frog, I was somewhat skeptical of him liking it. I was wrong. He loves interacting with this toy, and, of course, he enjoys eating the frog's eyes.

When I was pregnant, I was most aware of families with babies. I made a lot of observations and even asked questions of a lot of strangers. I noticed, in particular, that a lot of babies in Nashville had Sophie, the giraffe made by Vulli. Parents raved about the toy, so my mama bought Ayden two. If you know this toy, it sounds and looks a bit like a squeaky dog toy, and I'll admit that Ayden wasn't at all interested in it... until now. He is now capable of  holding Sophie, and though he isn't sure that he likes the way she tastes, this chew toy is somehow enticing to him.

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