August 23, 2010

I Don't Mess Around! Hey!

51! Today at clinic Ayden took 51 ml by mouth! For the past few weeks, he has not been willing to exceed 25. Clearly, Ayden's bottle feeding is not a matter of whether or not he is capable but whether or not he is willing. He was actually beaming with pride as the nurses and Dr. Johns (a pediatric cardiologist that has taken care of Ayden in 6C) applauded his new efforts. I am so glad that he is able to bottle feed, and I look forward to trying solids with him after he has his next surgery. I think the new tastes will be more appealing to him.
Feeding, in general, has gone well for Ayden. Perhaps a little too well. Obviously, the kid has gained a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. Since such rapid increase in weight is not preferred, we have been in a difficult position as Ayden continues to be hungry. I requested that Ayden's calorie intake be decreased so that his volume could be increased. Dr. Kavanaugh and the nutritionist agreed that Ayden could have 27 calorie formula instead of his usual 30 (most babies take 20) and that his volume could be increased from 85 to 90. Another thing that Dr. K did was decrease his Lasix, which is a medication that decreases his body's workload with regards to urination. She is thinking that Ayden may be peeing a significant amount of his fluids, which is also contributing to his hunger. Hopefully, these changes will hold him over until his next surgery.
Mommy has been trying to catch this facial expression on camera for awhile now.
If you remember, we recently made a trip to the Emergency Department at Vanderbilt Children's. (They are no longer the "ER." They are called the "ED" now.) We were concerned about Ayden's oxygen saturations. They had fallen between 68 and 74 when Ayden slept, and Ayden is supposed to be 75-85 asleep or awake. The doctors felt sure that Ayden was outgrowing his shunt, but as long as he stayed consistently above 70, they were willing for us to keep him at home. Well, Ayden's at home sleep sats have been 77-82, and his saturation reading at clinic today was 86! We are relieved at these better sats, and we are prayerful that he will continue to do so well! Praise the Lord!

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