July 21, 2012

Some Posts About Brogan - #4

Brogan isn't a real big fan of being still. Typically, he's content to be in one position for about 15 minutes maximum. After that, he's ready to move on to the next one. For weeks, he's had enough head control that we could bust out the Bumbo. As you've seen some already, and will see more of again soon, the Bumbo allows the boys to interact. Or rather, it allows Brogan to be Ayden's guinea pig.
His favorite thing to do is probably standing up. Or, rather, his favorite thing is for one of us to hold him in a standing position. I think he likes this the most because it allows him to see as much of his surroundings as possible. He is always very interested in what's going on around him, especially if it involves Ayden. You wouldn't believe it by looking at him, but he even gets distracted while he's eating.
Like Ayden when he was younger (and probably like most babies, I guess), Brogan flails with his arms and kicks his legs a lot, especially when he is happy. For the longest time, this was the extent of his movements. Then he started lifting his knees up in the air, eventually leading to the discovery of first one foot, then the other. Just recently, he's started grabbing them both at the same time. I imagine they'll soon be in his mouth, if his belly doesn't provide too large of an impediment.
(Everything Brogan gets his hands on goes in his mouth - blankets, burp cloths, towels, his fingers and hands, Allison's hair, his shirt sleeve, somebody else's shirt sleeve. It looks like he's going to be that kid, the one we have to watch like a hawk as he gets older so that he doesn't swallow a coin, a lego, or something else that would lead to a trip to the hospital. He is very different from Ayden in this regard.)
Don't mind me, I'm just eating my bib.
Within the last few days, he's started to roll from his back to his side. He's really close to going all the way over onto his stomach. The only thing stopping him is his arm and shoulder. He either doesn't want to get them out of the way, or he hasn't quite yet figured out how. We expect him to go all the way any day now. Until then, we'll just have to keep putting him on his stomach directly. He actually enjoys this for a while. He will hold his head up really well, until his able to get one of his hands in his mouth.
One other thing he seems to do is respond to music by moving. This is one way in which he would be very much like his big brother. He either starts "dancing" or he becomes completely still and gets very focused.

We don't yet have any video of Brogan rolling on his side, but we do have some of his other movements. As you'll see at the end of the below clip, there is a significant challenge to recording Brogan - Ayden. His big brother has become such a fan of the camera that it's hard to keep him from inserting himself into the equation. Another thing you'll see is that Ayden isn't always mindful of how his movements might impact Brogan

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