July 15, 2012

Some Posts About Brogan - #3

Allison has requested that I refrain from including comments/jokes about his weight in each of these posts about Brogan. Thus, I'll just get it all out of the way now, in this post.
To say Brogan is a big boy would be an understatement. He turned four months old on Thursday. If the measurements we took yesterday are verified at this Friday's pediatrician appointment, Brogan is almost 26 inches long (75th percentile) and weighs in at just under 20 pounds (97th percentile). He has gained six pounds in the last two months, even though for several weeks he has been sleeping from around 8:30 at night until around 7 in the morning, with an occasional feeding at around 4:30-5. Clearly, he continues to be an efficient eater.

The interesting thing about Brogan's size and weight is that, at first glance, you wouldn't realize exactly how big he is. Unlike Ayden, who's already round face got fat and even rounder when he beefed up before the Glenn, Brogan's face has just recently started to show signs of plumping up. He's carrying most of his weight in his midsection and thighs, so if he has clothes on, you can tell his a healthy baby, but you don't get the whole picture. If he just has a diaper on, it becomes impossible to not notice that he's huge.
The size of his thighs have now reached comical proportions (as has the width of his midsection, especially if you look at his back while he's sitting up). He has officially grown out of size two diapers. His waistline is somewhat to blame for this, but the main issue is his thighs had simply become too fat for the leg openings. It was like he was wearing string bikini diapers. Additionally, his baby fat was taking up all the space in the diaper, leaving nowhere for poop to go except out the back.

He has also moved on to the realm of 6-12 month clothing. He can also wear some 9 month stuff, but anything else is too small. (For the love of all that's holy, could we please get some uniformity as to size across kids' clothing manufacturers? Is that really too much to ask? Could they at least all move to the same sizing convention?) Since he is wayyyyy ahead of Ayden's pace, we have sorta run out of hand me downs for Brogan to wear. There were born roughly the same time of the year, but it was the middle of winter before Ayden got into this size range (when he was actually between six and twelve months old). Brogan is there (at four months old, remember) and summer has barely started. This is great for our local friends who just had, or are about to have, a baby boy, but it's creating some issues for us. At this rate, Brogan's going to be able to wear Ayden's clothes while Ayden is still wearing them.
Yes, I even have rolls in my armpits. You got a problem with that?
And it's not just that he's fat. He's also pretty long for his age. Last night, he wore a pair of 9 month pajamas to bed. There was a little bit of extra room available lengthwise, but not a whole lot. This is another reason why he doesn't necessarily look as big as he is - his length allows him to spread his baby fat out a bit.

As I understand her, his pediatrician expects his weight gaining pace to taper off as his transitions off of breastmilk. We'll likely start that process when he's six months old. At his current pace, he'd be about 26 pounds at that point. (For some perspective, Ayden weighs around 28.5 pounds right now, which is probably pretty close to middle of the road for his age.)
If something like that happens, our plan to use a lot of Ayden's clothes for Brogan will be in shambles. Or maybe he'll get so far ahead that next summer, when he's going on 1.5 years old, he'll be able to use what Ayden is wearing this summer, when he's going on 2.5. That, or we're going to need to start charging our friends a small fee for Ayden's old clothes to help finance buying an entire wardrobe for Brogan.
Mom and Dad, I don't think this is how diapers are supposed to fit.

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