November 11, 2010

Formula Trials Continued

Ayden seems to be tolerating his Monogen formula significantly better than Enfapoop (i.e. Enfaport). He has been a joyful baby all day. The nurses say he is the happiest chest tube baby they have ever seen. The chest tube still has output, though the fluid has decreased. His chest x-rays remain unchanged. His labs are unremarkable.

Yummy sweet potatoes!
I visited Ms. Julie today!
I missed Ms. Jessica! She just got back from Brazil.
I got MORE mail!
I love playing with my cards. Mommy is afraid I am going to give myself a paper cut.
I enjoy telling Ms. Adrienne all about my day.

1 comment:

  1. Ayden is so cute and looks so happy in spite of everything! What a joyful baby. :)


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