May 3, 2010

Two Weeks Old

It's hard to believe that we have been parents of a beautiful baby boy for two weeks now. I look at Ayden and wonder how someone so amazing was given to us. We are immensely blessed!

Ayden has had a better day today. His RA line (right atrial) was removed. He is slowly waking up from all of the meds that they gave him to wean him from possible withdrawal. His temperature is normal. His blood pressure is still all over the place, but when he's awake, it's normal, so they seem to be okay with that. In general, he's not so grumpy. We are actually seeing smiles!

Below are pictures from last night and this afternoon. Ayden's night nurse Laura helped me bathe Ayden, put lotion on him, and change his diaper. While all of that can be intimidating with any new mother, it's even more scary when your kid has all of these wires and tubes coming from him! Laura also played "dress up" with Ayden and put the shirt on him. (Bryan prefers to call this process "clothing him" and not "dress up.")


  1. Viewing pictures of your son has become one of my favorite things to do. I pick a new one every day or so and use it as "wallpaper" on my phone. I am reminded to pray for you all everytime I pick up my phone and I also get to easily show him to everybody and ask them to pray as well. I cannot wait to see him myself as soon as I get over this never ending cold.


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