May 6, 2010


Today has been an eventful day for Ayden.  Some things have come out, some have gone in.  Other things have just happened.

Deep breath.....

The RA (radial arterial) line in his left leg was taken out, the BROVIAC line in his upper left chest was taken out, the IV in his right arm was removed, a PICC line was placed in his right leg, his stitches in his chest were removed, his blood pressure has been a little low at times, he had an SVT episode when they started the PICC line (the injection stopped it, as before), he's back on the anti-SVT medication, he suffered through a couple of x-rays, they checked his kidneys, he was going to take a field trip down to radiology but didn't (somebody down there was going to do the PICC line, then wasn't - don't ask), and he's now in a Big Boy Bed.

Like I said.  Eventful.

Obviously, some things have meant progress, others have not.  An up and down day, in other words.  Overall though, he continues to do well.  A doctor today described him as "the hypoplast that doesn't know he's a hypoplast."  Later the surgeon's nurse said "he's our star."  I am glad he can't understand these things - not to mention all of the nurses (and many of you readers) fawning over his looks - or his ego would be so big we wouldn't be able to get him through the double wide doors of his room.

Speaking of those looks, here he is, in his Big Boy Bed and sans stitches.

1 comment:

  1. Ellie and Kenzie are looking at pictures of Baby Ayden!!!! He looks so cute! WE LOVE YOU AYDEN! If you ever need a babysitter when he's older just call US no one else just US! We miss you Mrs. Mills, WE LOVE YOU!


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