May 22, 2010

Requesting Prayer

Bryan just called me. They can't say for certain what they see in the x-ray, so they want to wait to make any decisions pending an afternoon x-ray. They could just be seeing stool making its way through the intestinal system; in which case, they should see that movement in the next x-ray. If what they are seeing is air, that's not good. That could potentially be NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis, which is very scary. On the flip side, Ayden's tummy is still nice and soft, and he doesn't seem to be acting any differently (other than just being hungry from the held feeds). This is one of those times when you try not to worry because you know that worrying does nothing, so you pray. Please pray.

1 comment:

  1. Allison, praying that everything turned out ok on the afternoon x-ray.


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