December 29, 2009

Some (preliminary) very good news

Yesterday we were given the preliminary results of the amniocentesis that was done on the 18th. They were negative.

This has (preliminarily) lifted a huge sense of dread from my mind. I think I can eventually come to grips with the heart issue, but I don't know that I could've handled something like Down syndrome, too, if for no other reason than it would have made it even less likely that Ayden would survive. There is of course the possibility that the final results - which we will get either today or tomorrow - will be different, or that even the final results could be wrong, but it's my understanding that those possibilities are rather remote.

Putting that slight doubt/uncertainty aside, I am indescribably grateful that Ayden is, as our doctor put it yesterday, a normal boy who just happens to have an abnormal heart.

Thank God for that.


  1. Good to hear that. You'll continue to be in our prayers.

  2. God is so faithful and good!! We may not understand why things happen the way they do, but we do have the assurance that He will always be with us. I know He will continue to give Bryan and Allison the strength and grace they need. Please continue to lift all three up in your prayers. Thank you for all of the love and support you have shown to them over the past week and a half. They are truly blessed to have people like you in their lives. Ayden's Gran (Bryan's mom)

  3. Allison,
    I'm finding out about this news just this moment. Nancy sent the blog address yesterday with a cryptic message about "what's going on with Allison's baby". I will diligently pray for good outcomes. Please, please call on me for ANYTHING. Love you, Barbara


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