May 4, 2010


The boy has some lungs on him! I would know. I have heard him cry twice today. Once he cried because they were putting in another IV. I had to leave the room for that one. He cried again after they put the arterial line back in. Apparently, the medication that they use during that procedure makes you wake up angry. Yes, he was definitely angry!

According to the doctor, the only thing keeping Ayden from graduating to the next floor is his blood pressure. It's too low. They aren't sure if Ayden's blood pressure is too low or if the blood pressure cuff is just not reading his blood pressure accurately. As a result, they need the arterial line to check his blood pressure directly. (Yes, they took that line out yesterday. That line was no longer good, so they needed a new one.)

A speech specialist came in today. Not only did she check for voice, but she also checked for sucking reflex, etc. He passed. We knew that he had regained his sucking reflex because his daddy had gotten him to suck on a pacifier a few times. We are glad to see all of these things because it means that he doesn't have an oral aversion after having had the breathing tube for ten days.

They have begun giving him feeds to his stomach. Originally, they bypassed the stomach with a tube that went directly to his intestines. Hopefully, he won't throw up on Bryan again... or anyone, for that matter.

He's doing well. Please don't think that because you haven't heard from us, something terrible has happened. We just can't keep up with all the love that you all have showered us with! Please continue to pray for Ayden and his fellow hallmates. We appreciate you all!

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