August 17, 2012

A Day of Firsts

Ayden began school today, and he had a great day! On his daily report, his mood was characterized as "cheerful," and his teacher told me he tried some Cheerios (he had never had them before) and got upset only once-- when he had to come inside after playing on the playground. Keep in mind that Ayden has never been in a nursery or classroom of any kind, and he's never been left with unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar place; he's hardly even played with other children! When I asked him what he liked about school, he said, "Jude. Tooshy. Mickey." Parent translation: "I had fun playing with Jude." (Yes, Jude is in his class.) "I got to see Ms. Kristin." (Kristin, a.k.a. "Tooshy," is his physical therapist, and she checked in on him. He apparently reached for her hand and said, "Walk." He thought he was supposed to be going to therapy!) "I hung out with Ms. Nikki." (Nikki is the assistant teacher, and all of the children call her "Mickey.")

Complete with age appropriate peers, music class, snack and lunch time, and outdoor play, Ayden's class offers so many fantastic elements for his development. We look forward to seeing how his gross motor skills, social interaction, and eating habits will improve over the next year! Sorry... no pictures... yet! But I can tell you Ayden looked pretty "spiffy" sporting a shark polo with matching shorts and carrying his Batman backpack and Thomas lunchbag.

Brogan also had a big day! He ate his first solid food, rice cereal with breastmilk. He seemed to like the experience. One could see that he felt so big sitting in big brother's high chair. He leaned into the food appropriately, closed his mouth on the spoon, etc. I'm not sure how much he actually ate, but it was an excellent first attempt.

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