February 5, 2012

The Plan Continues

I will skip a recitation of yesterday's events after the last post. Instead, I'll just report on where things stand right now.

This morning we had a conversation with the urologist. There is a large kidney stone actually in her kidney. This is not the source of the problem. So, either the baby is pinching off something and causing the fluid to back up, or there is another, smaller kidney stone they cannot see that is clogging up the works. The urologist gave her three options: (1) stay in the hospital while they try to flush it out; (2) go home on pain meds; or (3) insert a stent to provide another avenue by which the fluid can drain. After some conversation, between us and with Dr. Graves, we decided we'd give option 1 another 24 hours before we resort to option 3 (option 2 has already failed once and was immediately removed from consideration).

So, she's going to be in the hospital at least another night and will possibly have the stent procedure tomorrow morning (which would probably keep her in the hospital through tomorrow night, also). Hopefully, there is a second stone in there somewhere that she will pass before then and this will all be over. Well, over for now. The stone they can see is probably way too big for her to pass, so that will be dealt with after she has the baby (they don't want to do any of those treatments while she is still pregnant).

She didn't have any major pain episodes last night, so we both got some much needed sleep (I stayed with her at the hospital last night). Please pray her pain will continue to be managed appropriately so she can rest. She is starting to urinate more than she had been yesterday, so maybe all the fluid is starting to do its job.

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