January 18, 2012

Good News!

Don't you love it when you get to hear good news?!?!? Everyone can appreciate life's blessings, but when you add in a significant amount of life's struggles, the blessings fill you up and give you a kick start to keep going. Bryan and I have been indulging in some good news lately.

1. Last week was our final fetal ECHO, and the baby's heart continues to look "boring." We are so grateful for this normalcy! Once the baby is born, he will have an ECHO in the first week of life. No one is expecting to see anything troubling, but, given the fact that we have one son with heart complications, we are all erring on the side of cautious.

2. Ayden weighed 27 pounds at feeding therapy this week! He has gained three pounds since he began eating by mouth in November. Due to his speedy weight gain, we are eliminating his final pump tube feed. However, this does not mean that Ayden is done with the tube. While he eats wonderfully, he still does not drink enough to stay hydrated. Until he can consume 24-30 ounces of fluid per day, he will continue to adorn the feeding tube.

3. My best friend, Elise, and her family feel called by the Lord to adopt an orphan domestically. They have completed the paperwork and home studies and are in the process of raising the money for the adoption. I know that they will bless this little one and that he/she will also bless them... as well as us. We are all looking forward to meeting this precious baby and feel as though the child could not go to a more perfect home. So... let's bring this baby home! You can go to the Glasser family website at http://www.fourplusoneisfive.blogspot.com . There you will find multiple ways you can help with prayer,  fundraising, etc. The first event is a comedy show, Laughs for Life, at Grace Chapel in Lieper's Fork. You won't want to miss it! For more information, go to http://www.tinyurl.com/glasseradoption.

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