June 28, 2010

Swallow Study

UPDATE:  Ayden passed!  After having "frank" aspiration (not to be confused with Frank, Ayden's Wubbanub) during last Tuesday's swallow study, Ayden had zero aspiration today.  This means his feeding tube can be moved back into his stomach.  He will also get to start practicing with the bottle again.  This is a huge relief to Allison and I, as a fail today would've sent Ayden down the path towards a g-tube.  I cannot sufficiently express how much we dreaded that possibility.

Of course, things can always change, but...  What a blessing!  Thank you, God, and to all of those who prayed. 


Ayden's next swallow study will be this morning.  If you get the chance, please pray that he shows improvement such that the feeding tube can be moved back into his stomach and we can start working with him again on his bottle feeding.


  1. I am praying like crazy!!!!!!!!! Good luck Ayden.

  2. Holy smokes!! what a tough little man!! I am a US Special Forces Medic (18D). I teach combat medicine now and was looking for a good heart image on google and was in awe of the story here!! Prayers for you and your family- SSG Oz


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