November 11, 2013

Prayers for Blake


This past weekend, Blake and his twin sister Lauren celebrated their sixth birthday. The celebration was a sweet memory, and we are so grateful for their precious lives.
Ayden, Blake, and Lauren at 6th Birthday Party
Blake with Mom (Christie) and Dad (Kyle) at 6th Birthday Party
We met Blake and his family when baby Ayden was in the hospital recovering from his first major surgery, the Norwood procedure. Like Ayden, Blake was born with a congenital heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. While we were living in the hospital post-Norwood, three-year-old Blake was recovering from the third surgery, the Fontan. Our families connected, and we have continued to be friends.
We would appreciate your prayers for Blake and his family. In addition to his heart defect, Blake has a condition called PLE, or protein-losing enteropathy. Basically, Blake's body is unable to digest/absorb protein. Blake's body is struggling to thrive, and he is currently 1b status on the heart transplant list. His story can be found on his Caringbridge site: This site is listed on the right hand site of our blog for easy reference.

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