December 24, 2012


We have concentrated a lot on teaching Ayden about Jesus this season. We talk about decorations and presents in the context of celebrating Jesus' birthday. I love to hear Ayden sing "Jesus Loves Me" when he hears the name "Jesus." I hope not a day goes by that he doesn't know the love of his Savior.

While laying the Christian foundations for Christmas, I have neglected to mention much about Santa. The omission is not because I don't want the spirit of Santa to be part of our family Christmas tradition; on the contrary, I think Santa is quite fun and enjoyed many o' sleepless Christmas Eves proclaiming to my parents that I was certain I had heard the reindeer on the roof or seen the elves running around outside.

While Ayden is developing his understanding of holidays and God, we thought it better that Ayden learn about Santa as a byproduct, an afterthought, rather than the focus. That doesn't mean, of course, that he hasn't been exposed to Santa. Ayden's G-Daddy, someone who could certainly put in an application for the Santa job (he LOVES Christmas; he has a machine that uses light to make it look like it snows in their yard!), has taught Ayden that Santa says, "Ho! Ho! Ho!" He has introduced him to Rudolph as well, though I'm not sure Ayden makes the connection between Santa and Rudolph... no matter how many times Ayden insists that I sing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

At Ayden's school, they meet Santa and take pictures. Ayden is always a little wary of new people, and I can only imagine the looks he was giving this person they call "Santa." His principal tells me he wasn't afraid and didn't cry, but they couldn't get him to smile. (I can't get him to smile either, so there was no big shocker there! A few days ago he yelled, "No cheeses, Mama!" In other words, he was refusing to say "cheese" for the camera.) Without further explanation, digression, or otherwise, here is Ayden's first picture with Santa:

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