November 7, 2012

An Unwelcome Final Day

Yesterday was Ayden's last day with his feeding therapist, Ms. Helen. I wish I could say that the day marked Ayden's completion of feeding therapy. It did not. Instead, Helen will be going on maternity leave, so Ayden will be going to a new feeding therapist at the end of the month.
Learning to Use a Straw in Front of a Mirror
Helen has been extraordinary for Ayden. She was instrumental in helping to create a daily feeding plan that weaned Ayden from the NG feeding tube. She has also been an encouragement for Ayden's continued work with biting, chewing, and swallowing. He loves her, and he does stuff for her that he won't do at home.
I have a lot of respect for Helen. I always felt like we worked as a team for the good of Ayden's development and progress. She treated Ayden individually, rather than just another cardiac kid or tube fed baby. We trusted each other with Ayden's care, and, as a result, he has made significant progress.
We are hopeful that the transition to a new feeding therapist will be a good one. Helen believes that Ayden will respond well to anyone, now that he has gotten over some significant hurdles. I have observed his new therapist and envision a good opportunity for fresh perspective.
Ayden certainly enjoys eating a lot more. He feeds himself, whether it be by spoon or by squeeze (the toddler & baby squeezers were an ingenious invention!). He asks for certain foods or drinks. He keeps his cup of water out on the table at home. He still loves french fries, Ritz crackers, chocolate candy, and cheese puffs. And... here's the big news: Ayden has EATEN as many as SIX Ritz crackers at school. Yes, you read that correctly. When I received the news, I made sure to ask (several times) if there was a child he was pawning his food off on (i.e. dog under the table idea). I have been given assurance that he is indeed EATING (biting, chewing, and swallowing) these crackers. Apparently, he has a little friend that sits next to him at school and commands him, "Eat your crackers!" He likes this little friend enough to do as she says! ;)

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