October 31, 2012

(More More) Trick-or-Treat

Last Halloween, Ayden rode around in his wagon while tagging along with other trick-or-treaters. This year, he actually got to do some trick-or-treating himself.
Hanging with my teachers at our school Halloween party.
We don't really live in a neighborhood, per se, so we crashed the trick-or-treating going on at our friends' development. Once it got dark, and after eating dinner, we plopped a bundled up Brogan in the stroller, handed Ayden his trick-or-treating bag, and set out into the night.

I thought it would all be over after just one house.
Brogan was Robin to Ayden's Batman (we replaced the R with a B).
Allison took Ayden up to the first door. The family was on their front steps, so he they didn't have to go all the way. Right before he was to get his first candy in his bag, a member of the family opened their front door, allowing their big chocolate lab to come bounding out. The dog ran right up to Ayden, who just so happens to be terrified of dogs. He freaked out, getting a couple of friendly licks to the face in the process.
With the trick-or-treating starting that way, I didn't think we'd be able to get him to go to another house. I was wrong. Very wrong. He loved it. Each time we walked away from a house, he said "more more." Unsurprisingly, everyone doted over him, which surely helped. Although we only got him to say "trick-or-treat" at one house, he made me proud by saying "thank you" each time. On multiple occasions, his expression of thanks got him an extra dose of candy.
Even Brogan's bibs for the evening stuck with the Batman and Robin theme.
Once we got home, Ayden had the chance to survey his haul. We confiscated some thing that weren't really suitable for him, but left him all the chocolate stuff, which he has been methodically working through each day since. (His version of eating his candy is to suck the chocolate off as it melts, which usually means most of it ends up on his hands, face, the furniture, the floor, etc.)
Something tells me Ayden will be very excited when Halloween comes around next year.

More pictures after the break.

Apparently, somebody still makes candy cigarettes, though they're called something else now.

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