September 28, 2011

Together Again

Jude and Ayden hung out today for the first time in a long while. With the possibility that Jude might have his third surgery this fall, his parents put him in isolation mode to protect him from illness. Once the cardiologists determined that Jude's surgery could wait six months to a year, Diana and I began making plans for the boys to see each other.

During this visit, I became more aware that Ayden hasn't interacted enough with children his age. He doesn't share well; he took everything that Jude was playing with and did not intend to give the toys back. He had limited concept of personal space, as evidenced by his crawling on top of Jude or by his playing with Jude's hair. When he got angry or frustrated, he felt the freedom to hit Jude. (The crowning moment was when Ayden hit Jude in the face with two pieces from his shape puzzle. Lovely.) I began to feel a bit like a referee. The funniest moments were when they tried to simultaneously squeeze between pieces of furniture, and they would get stuck until one would either give up or get trampled.
On a more positive note, Jude's ability to pull to stand, cruise, and assisted walk encouraged Ayden to do the same. They played at the coffee table while standing. Jude's mobility has always helped Ayden see the next step more clearly.

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