April 23, 2011

Didn't we do this already?

As the end of April drew near, we had already celebrated Ayden's birthday three times.  Despite the multiple parties, there was still one group of people who needed to join the celebration:  Gran and Grandad.  They came to visit and join in the fun.

Since the weather was nice, the first thing we did was take a trip to the zoo.  Ayden is still so young, so these trips are really more for our benefit than his.  The flamingos continue to be the only animals colorful and close enough for him to really see.  Other than them, Ayden mostly just watches the other people.  Regardless, it's beneficial for all of us when we can get out of the house.  An extra bonus this time was Ayden taking his first ride on the carousel.  Once it started moving, he really didn't know what to think about the whole thing.  He wasn't scared, but he wasn't exactly relaxed, either.  Once he discovered there were ceiling fans hanging from the carousel covering, he spent the rest of the ride looking at them, of course.

The next day, it was time to do the birthday thing.  We actually had two birthdays to celebrate, as it was close to Gran's birthday, as well.  Both had presents to open, and both had a birthday cupcake to eat (or just play with, in Ayden's case).

As always, Ayden loves the constant attention he gets when grandparents come to visit.  Allison and I are always grateful to have someone else around to keep him entertained.  It gives us a much needed break.

Since it was Easter weekend, Ayden also got an Easter basket.  It had some toys in it, plus a chocolate bunny on a stick!

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