December 8, 2010

The Week Come and Gone

It's been more than a week, and we are still living as a family at home.

Instead of being surrounding by adoring, cute nurses, Ayden is still adjusting to a daytime life with Mommy. (I'm not nearly as exciting, no matter how hard I try.) He has become the champion whiner, and he has learned this high octave shriek that is going to send our neighbors packing. In other words, the kid has an attitude (and opinions). He probably inherited it all from me, so I need not complain too much.

Nights are most often an up and down fiasco filled with pooting, pooping and peeing (yeah for Monogen and Lasix!), gagging, wretching, spitting up, teething, feeding, and medicating... and occasionally some sleeping. (He gets far more than we do.)

And, on top of having a baby in the home, Bryan is in the church play, which requires three evenings a week and Saturdays. We feel overwhelmed and exhausted...  

But he's home. And it's Christmastime.

To celebrate the season, Ayden is sporting some festive wear sent from his grandparents in Maryland.
Whatchyou lookin' at?
Talk to the hand!
Watch me roll!
(Okay, so I can only get to my sides, but I'm not a big fan of my tummy anyway.)
Mom, we need to have a talk about these peaches.
I'm just not too into them as my morning meal.
Oh, it's sweet potatoes. Now that's my kind of food!

1 comment:

  1. Gran and Granddad love seeing you in the new duds we sent you. You are sooooo cute! We can hardly wait to see you in person!! All our love!!


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