July 5, 2010

More Than Just Look at Him

When Ayden had his heart ablation, many of us waited in the OR waiting room on the third floor. Bryan and I blogged updates during that time, but I also wrote an entry about God's goodness and referenced the amazing nurses and staff that He has placed in Ayden's life. Among those people mentioned was Margaret. At the time the original entry was written, Margaret had only been Ayden's nurse for one day, and because he was so sedated, she got little quality time with our charismatic (and flirtatious) little man.

Margaret has now had Ayden for four straight days, three as his day nurse and one as his night nurse. She has officially gotten to do more than just "look at him." Ayden is quite enamored with Margaret, and he allows her to hold him on her chest. He holds tightly to her Grover jacket and nestles into her. (He won't let me hold him like this; I got a nice--or an angry-- little vagal response the last time I tried.)
Margaret attached Ayden to "the box" on Saturday, and she took Ayden on his first big adventure. Bryan will post more on this later.


  1. Yay! God has been so good to bring Ayden into my life. It amazes me to think of how much someone so small can teach others.

  2. ps. . I can't wait to see the video!!

  3. Ayden looks like such a big boy with Margaret holding him like that! I am so glad he got to go outside, what fun! I have enjoyed my time off, but I can't wait to see you all soon! I have been thinking and praying for you all, especially Ayden's tummy and his feedings! Give Ayden hugs from me!


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